What Happens When You Don’t Eat Enough Protein?
Jul 24, 2024
My Struggle with Protein Deficiency
There I was, drinking my green smoothie, pounding coffee, popping Norcos for my knee pain, and mustering up the energy to bust out my 96th workout in a row. My hair was falling out in clumps, ending up in places it didn't belong. 😳 My skin was furious—eczema, cystic acne, melasma, dark circles—the works!
I spent years battling daily fatigue, chronic bloating, hormone imbalances, and brain fog. And yet, there I was, busting my ass, following all the rules to a T. I thought it was me. I must not be doing it right. I must not be doing enough.
But it turned out what I really needed was more protein🥩
The Importance of Protein
Protein is essential for the body, and when you aren't getting enough, everything protein supports will suffer:
- Compromised Healing: Without enough protein, your body can't effectively supply amino acids needed to build your immune system, circulatory system, gut lining, hormones, or repair muscles and tissues.
- What this feels like for you: You're always nursing some injury or dealing with a cold that just won’t quit. Even a small cut seems to take forever to heal, and you’re constantly feeling run-down despite your best efforts to stay healthy.
- What this feels like for you: You're always nursing some injury or dealing with a cold that just won’t quit. Even a small cut seems to take forever to heal, and you’re constantly feeling run-down despite your best efforts to stay healthy.
- Imbalanced Hormones: Protein plays a crucial role in hormone production. Without it, your hormones can become imbalanced, causing energy crashes, mood swings and irregular menstrual cycles.
- What this feels like for you: You’re ready to crash by mid-afternoon, desperate for a nap before the kids get home. Mood swings hit out of nowhere, leaving you feeling snappy and out of control, and your period is so unpredictable it's messing with your plans.
- What this feels like for you: You’re ready to crash by mid-afternoon, desperate for a nap before the kids get home. Mood swings hit out of nowhere, leaving you feeling snappy and out of control, and your period is so unpredictable it's messing with your plans.
- Never Feeling Full: Protein helps you feel satisfied after meals. When you're not getting enough, you may feel hungry all the time, leading to overeating and weight gain.
- What this feels like for you: You finish a meal and soon after, you’re back in the kitchen, rummaging for a snack. You’re often hangry and end up eating spoonfuls of peanut butter straight from the jar, frustrated you’re never satisfied.
- What this feels like for you: You finish a meal and soon after, you’re back in the kitchen, rummaging for a snack. You’re often hangry and end up eating spoonfuls of peanut butter straight from the jar, frustrated you’re never satisfied.
- Low Muscle Mass: Even with regular workouts, a lack of protein can prevent muscle growth and lead to a thin but mushy physique. Your body will prioritize essential functions and may break down muscle tissue for energy.
- What this feels like for you: Despite all your hard work at the gym, your body isn’t changing. Your muscles aren’t getting more defined, and you feel like all your sweat and effort isn’t paying off. Your clothes fit awkwardly, and you’re stuck wondering why you’re not seeing results.
What happens when you don’t eat enough protein?
Your body is smart. It will triage what's most important for survival. For instance, it will pull from your muscle to support the immune system. This means that while you might be getting by, you aren't thriving. You might be struggling with seemingly unrelated issues, all tied back to a lack of protein.
The Real Benefits of Adequate Protein Intake
When you optimize your protein intake, you open the door to a range of health benefits, including:
- More Energy: Protein helps stabilize blood sugar levels, giving you consistent energy throughout the day.
- PRs in the Gym: Fuel your muscles and break your personal records with improved strength and endurance.
- Visible Muscle Definition: Build lean muscle mass and see the results of your hard work.
- Great Sleep: Protein can help regulate blood sugar, leading to better rest and recovery.
- Better Sex: Hormonal balance from adequate protein can improve libido and sexual health.
- Spicy Metabolism: Protein boosts metabolism, helping you burn more calories even at rest.
- Glowing Skin: Amino acids in protein support collagen production for healthier, glowing skin.
- Happy Hormones: Keep your hormones balanced for better mood and overall health.
- Easy Digestion: Protein aids in gut healing and is what humans are designed to digest.
- Reliable Hunger/Appetite: Stay fuller for longer, reducing unnecessary snacking and overeating.
Take Home Message
Protein isn't just for bodybuilders—it's a vital nutrient for everyone. By ensuring you get enough protein, you can improve your overall health, boost your energy levels, and feel better than ever.
Incorporating adequate protein into your diet can change your life. Don’t wait until you're exhausted, frustrated, and struggling like I was. You could start mastering this skill right now! Take control of your health with this easy tool and start living your healthiest and happiest life.